When it comes to occupational health and safety, JEUMONT Electric strives to create a culture shared by all stakeholders. The goal is to make our company—which includes our manufacturing plants, offices, and project or customer sites—a safe place to work.

We regularly run safety education and awareness-raising programs.

Nuclear safety

Our culture of safety extends to our suppliers and subcontractors, who also benefit from our safety education and awareness-raising programs.


Our mission is to make sure that safety is everyone’s business.
Our day-to-day safety policies focus on:

  • Identifying risks
  • Prevention and training
  • Protecting our people and our subcontractors

Our “Safety Challenge” is one of the ways we are getting employees involved in identifying safety issues and coming up with effective solutions.


We also have policies to protect our employees’ health and provide them with an appropriate work environment.

Our occupational health strategy is built on the following three pillars:

  • Identifying and screening for the most common health problems
  • Providing information and education
  • Protecting our employees.

Our occupational health strategy is implemented by our occupational health department with support from dieticians, addiction specialists, and other professionals qualified to provide information and recommend the appropriate prevention methods.


We provided our employees with an interactive training program on addiction and sleep in 2017.